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Today, it’s all about fears, perfectionism, mentors and successful book marketing with my guest, and friend, Alex Echols.
About Alex Echols
He is a best-selling author for entrepreneurs and individuals who want to create profitable online businesses closely related to their passion.
You can find out more about him and follow his work at alexechols.com or over at his new venture ultimatebizbuilders.com (catch the webinar on March 24th about building a business from your passions!)
Did I mention that Alex has worked with companies like DreamWorks, TEDx, IMAX, Paramount or Mindvalley?!
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Video Version
Get His Book: Two Week Notice
Less than a year ago, Alex published a book (not his first one, watch the interview to learn why) together with Andrew Gottlieb and Sulinya Ramanan. The book is a user-friendly guide to discovering your passion and building a successful business around it.
I’ll be honest: I got the book, but I haven’t read it all, but what I read was fantastic especially for young entrepreneurs like myself.
You can purchase the book on amazon.com!
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The Questions That I’ve Asked Alex
NOTE: these were not the only questions of the interview, but the questions that started the conversation.
- What were some of the fears and doubts you had when you first started on this path of entrepreneurship?
- Who inspires you? Who can you say were your mentors? Direct or indirect, it does not matter
- How do you deal with a bad or stressful day? How do you deal with failure? (you’ll love his reply!)
- How do you deal with perfectionism on a day to day basis? What advice do you have for fellow entrepreneurs?
- In your book “The Two Week Notice” you talk about discovering your passion. What would you say are the fundamental steps for doing so?
- What does it mean to write a book? How much time should you allow yourself?
- What would you say are the biggest myths of writing a book?
- What marketing strategy played the most important role in the success of your book?
Resources Mentioned During The Interview
Key Lessons
- Most important doubts and mindset blocks that he had “am I good enough”, “do I have the right resources”, “do I have the money”, “was I old enough”.
- His first mentors while growing up were his parents and his sister.
- “One of the most powerful things that mentors can help you with is to see.”
- The fundamental step in living a wonderful life, is discovering true passion.
- While working on discovering your passion, you need to put in the work, take action, try new things, jobs and eventually you will find the one that feels right.
- In order to successfully market a book, you need brand ambassadors, aka people that love you and are more than happy to promote your book.
Alex is young, super inspiring and an example for all youngsters out there doubting themselves if they should pursue entrepreneurship or not. It is possible and it can be FUN!
My goal is for you to always get at least one big idea from these interviews.
I’d love to know what resonated with you the most (in a comment below).