Learn WHY Legendary Entrepreneurs Invest in Their Health with Nicholas Bayerle

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My guest for today’s interview is Nicholas Bayerle, a really energetic guy who loves to talk about health and fitness and being the best version of yourself.

About Nicholas Bayerle

Nicholas Bayerle is the CEO of thetruechallenge.com and host of the How Bad Do I Want It Podcast, which was number first out of all new podcasts in business, health, and education in multiple countries.
Also, Nicholas has started multiple six figure companies before the age of 25.
Biggest Fear Quote by Nicholas Bayerle mihaiherman.com

Freebie Alert!

Nicholas was kind enough to offer you a 7-Day Free Trial on their membership website where you can find everything, literally EVERYTHING you need to get healthy & fit.

Access your gift here!

What You’ll Learn From Nicholas

To make it easier for you to find exactly the things that interest you the most, here’s a breakdown of the topics that I’ve covered with her. There’s a little something for everyone, I’m sure of it!

  • 00:58 – his story
  • 04:57 – his biggest fear as an entrepreneur
  • 06:16 – how he overcame that fear
  • 13:00 – health and to experience a better connection with your body
  • 15:00 – his take on sacrificing health for work
  • 25:46 – how can walking improve your life
  • 32:25 – the benefits of building a business with his wife
  • 41:23 – advice for entrepreneurs

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The Questions That I’ve Asked Nicholas

NOTE: these were not the only questions of the interview, but the questions that started the conversation.

Quote on time by Nicholas Bayerle mihaiherman.com

  1. What’s your story and why have you decided to go on your own path and become an entrepreneur?
  2. Every beginning is scary. what were some of the fears or mental blocks that you had when you first started out on your own? 
  3. How did you overcome those fears? Any book that played an important role, online course, event or did you work with a coach? 
  4. You’ve gone through an amazing body transformation. Why do you believe most people don’t take care of their body? Why do we take our body for granted?
  5. How can we get to experience a better connection with our body that will definitely improve all areas of our life?
  6. I mean I know it’s important, but I want you to tell everyone who’s listening just HOW important it is for an entrepreneur to engage in a constant exercise routine. How big of an impact it had on your life?
  7. Can you recommend a simple routine for entrepreneurs that want to start taking more care of their body to bring more energy in their lives? Something so simple that you cannot help but stick to it and that will kinda point them in the right direction 🙂
  8. You’ve built a business with your better half, Amanda. Can you share some of the benefits of building a business with your wife? I am doing the same and I want more people to hear about how AWESOME it is to have someone next to you that is your lover, your best friend, and your business partner.

    Resources Mentioned During The Interview 

    Key Lessons and Tweetables

    The most amazing gift quote by Nicholas Bayerle mihaiherman.com

    • “The biggest reason that people don’t take care of their health is because they don’t have value for it.”
    • “You only have one shot to live in this body, you blow it and you’re screwed.”
    •  “You’re not actually winning by losing at your health.”
    • “Being unhealthy is selfish.” – Click To Tweet!

    I really hope this interview left you more concentrated on why health is such a big deal and why it’s the most important thing in our lives. Take care of your health and take care of your body so you can focus on your wealth and business.

    My goal is for you to always get at least one big idea from these interviews.

    I’d love to know what resonated with you the most (in a comment below).
