Thank You – Creative Entrepreneur Bundle

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Just one more step and you will get access to the “Creative Entrepreneur Bundle”.


 1. Check your email address (including Spam folder)

2. Click on the “Confirm my Subscription” button (see image below)

Confirm email

3. Add to your contacts to make sure that you always receive my emails!

Are you using GMAIL? Please check “Promotions” tab & drag my email into the “Primary” tab and click “YES” when asked “Do this for future messages from”!

4. Wait for another 3-5 minutes and you will receive another email from me with the download link to access your goodies!

5. Download your goodies and get to work! The world needs more purpose-driven businesses like yours!

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Are You Serious About Growing Your Creative Business?

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Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone guide you when you’re starting out or when you feel like you hit a plateau?

When I first started my first online business in 2010, I did not know the importance of investing in myself or in a business coach. What I did was to try and do everything myself, investing as little money as possible without realizing that that was my dream. Sounds familiar? Are you trying to get the cheapest deal possible on your own dream? Often times we are afraid to be creative, to let our intuition guide us and we fear what other people would think of us if we would go all in with our biggest dream. This is the main reason why you are not investing the big bucks in your own dream because of fear. Now fear is something all human beings experience – at different degrees, of course – but you can decide right now to DO IT in spite of that fear.

Are you trying to do everything alone?

STOP! If you still think that you are strong by doing everything alone, think again! All the big entrepreneurs had employees, partners and mentors that guided them, that motivated them and that gave them a reason to go further even when they were going through some tough times. This is one of the biggest mistakes people (read: Mihai) in business until they get burned out (a couple of times) that they realize how much faster can they go if they got the support of someone that has been down the road before.

What if you could get where you want to go three times faster if you had a coach to guide you along the way?! How would you spend the extra time (& money)?

I believe every entrepreneur needs a business coach and not because I am one (I can’t help everyone, anyway) but because it’s so powerful and because it can save you hours of research, testing and frustrations. Hours that you can put into actually building something valuable for your clients. Hours that you can spend with your loved ones. Hours that you can actually spend at the beach 🙂

This program will give you the strategies to grow your business at a faster pace, the support to keep going even when it gets harder and the confidence you need to succeed.

My goal is to help you become successful so that you can help others through your awesome service or product.

I believe in a world that is full of purpose-driven businesses, of businesses that make other people’s life better and that’s why I launched this coaching program.

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Let’s schedule a free 30min call!

We’ll talk about your business, goals, fears in order to see if I can help you grow to the next level!

*You will leave with at least one big idea even if we don’t get to work together! (promise!)

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