SAP004: Learning to Act Out of LOVE Instead of Fear with David Henzel

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I’ve chatted with this episode’s guest for the first time on Twitter (August 2015) and, a simple question turned into a full blown conversation which, later on, gave me the confidence to ask for an interview.

He is such a kind man and I am sure you will love what he has to share.

About David Henzel

David is the co-founder of MaxCDN (a content delivery network headquartered in Los Angeles) and he also blogs over at about life, happiness and business.

To give you an idea of the size of the company – they speed up over 6 million websites, have over 60 employees all over the world and power websites like: 9gag, Kodak, Garmin, The Next Web & many more.

You can also follow him on Twitter or Instagram (you’ll love his branded pictures).


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Video Version

Favorite Articles From David’s Blog

When my guests have blogs, I like to feature three articles that I liked the most, to give you more value and get to know the person even better. Here are my favorites:


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The Questions That I’ve Asked David

NOTE: these were not the only questions of the interview, but the questions that started the conversation.

  1. Tell us about your story and why did you choose to become an entrepreneur.
  2. What were some of the fears and doubts you had when you first started on this path of entrepreneurship?
  3. Work – life balance. How do you manage to run a super successful business and also have a family?
  4. How do you deal with perfectionism on a day to day basis? What advice do you have for fellow entrepreneurs?
  5. You are writing a book, right? Can you share some ideas?
  6. How do you deal with stressful and bad days? What’s your strategy?
  7. You are a recovering introvert. How did you change? What has worked for you?

Resources Mentioned During The Interview

Key Lessons

Quote by David Henzel @MihaiHerman

  • If you sell something out of love – if you sell a product that somebody really needs, you fulfill a need for that person. If, however, you sell out of fear, the predominant thought in your mind would be “how much money will I make”. People are much more likely to buy something if you sell out of love.
  • Work – Life balance: clear down the roles and responsibilities and you have no more tension. The main idea is to blend these two together. You have to get this aligned and discuss what you want out of life.
  • Have patience and get to perfection over time, otherwise, things will just not launch.
  • If you can just accept a situation no matter how bad it is, then you can act. Otherwise, you just react.


Hope you’re feeling more confident in acting out of love instead of fear, but allow it time to become a habit and watch how you’re life is slowly changing for the better.

My goal is for you to always get at least one big idea from these interviews.

I’d love to know what resonated with you the most (in a comment below).
